Friday, September 7, 2012

Sept.3, 2012

Hey guys!! Man it feels like a long time since I have written you back! But it also seems like it has gone by super fast. haha. This last week was pretty good. We didn't get to teach a lesson this week until sunday  so that was kind of hard. But yesterday ended up being a super awesome day. Church was really good. We fasted so that we will be able to find someone to baptize this month. We have fixed a goal as a mission to have 78 baptisms this month. That means one per companionship. So we are really excited to work for that. In the morning before church I prayed for the opportunity to give a blessing to someone. Because I have never been able to do that in my life! So right after church a lady walked up and asked me if we could give her a blessing. SO I was super pumped! But she chose me to do the annointing and Elder Barker for the blessing. I have done a couple annointings before. In french too haha. So I was bummed about that. Then a member asked us if we could go with hil to bring the sacrament to a sick lady and her husband. So we went and they are super nice. Her husband isn't a member and is being taught by the sister missionaries. After we did the sacrament they both asked for blessings. The husband chose me to do the annointing and the wife chose me to give her actual blessing. It was such a great experience!!! Really I could feel the power of the priesthood and guidance as I gave the blessing. My first blessing ever! haha And it was in french haha. Her name is Nini Schippers :) It was so awesome. After that the husband told us he had decided that he wants to get baptized on the 7th of october! Haha so we called the sisters and let them know hahaha. It was really cool. We also were able to teach our Amis Charles and Jennis finally. And then Charles said that he knows that the book of mormon is true!!! We are still working on his wife though haha. He also said that he gave his book to his brother in law because he was really interested. He also invited us to an african celebration for their new baby haha. That will be sweet! They are from Ghana. He said that there will be tons of his family and friends and that we can teach them all!!! That will be so sweet. We already taught his cousin william but had to pass him to the other elders. But he came to church and is doing really well. So we are pretty excited about all of that haha. We also contacted this woman with two kids. She was super nice and open. Literally golden haha. But we had to pass her to the sisters. We keep hooking up other missionaries with golden amis! haha. Other than all that we did a lot of contacting this week. It was hard work but we feel really good about what work we have done. Love you guys and miss you a ton! Cant believe that it is already September. Love you!!!
Elder Thomas

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